2025 Python in Chemistry Meeting

2025 Python in Chemistry Meeting#

The 2025 Python in Chemistry Meeting will take place on at the University of York on Thursday 10th April. To register, please complete this form.

Goals of the Meeting#

One of the conclusions of the 2024 Python in Chemistry Meeting was the need to support colleagues to make their first steps in computing education, and the desire to produce shared resources which can be used in and adapted for a variety of contexts, removing the need for every Python instructor to start from scratch independently. Therefore, the goal of this year’s meeting is to collectively produce such a resource, aimed initially at academic staff who are interested in getting started with Python. We hope to finish the meeting with resources which can be easily accessed by anyone, regardless of their programming background, which will both introduce the fundamentals of Python and begin to demonstrate its use in chemistry research and education.

Meeting details#

The meeting will take place at the Chemistry Department of the University of York on Thursday 10th April, beginning at 11:00 and ending at 17:00. Lunch and other refreshments will be provided.

Attendance is free. There are limited funds available for travel costs; if you would like support with travel costs and are unable to obtain them from your university of the RSC, please contact alan.m.lewis@york.ac.uk or miguel.rivera@ucl.ac.uk.

A full programme will be released closer to the date of the meeting.

To register for the meeting, please complete this form.