Radial distribution function

The scattering from a particle may be thought of as a Fourier transform of the radial distribution function (RDF) in the simulation. The RDF is the probability that a particle will be found at a given distance from another. We are able to visualise the RDF from a pylj simulation using the following code (at the end of the simulation, the average RDF will be presented).

from pylj import md, sample

def md_simulation(number_of_particles, temperature, 
                  box_length, number_of_steps, 
    Runs a molecular dynamics simulation in using the pylj 
    molecular dynamics engine.
    number_of_particles: int
        The number of particles in the simulation
    temperature: float
        The temperature for the initialisation and 
    box_length: float
        The length of the simulation square
    number_of_steps: int
        The number of molecular dynamics steps to run
        How regularly the visualisation should be updated
        The complete system information from pylj
    %matplotlib notebook
    system = md.initialise(number_of_particles, temperature, 
                           box_length, 'square')
    sample_system = sample.RDF(system)
    system.time = 0
    for i in range(0, number_of_steps):
        system.time += system.timestep_length
        system.step += 1
        if system.step % sample_frequency == 0:
    return system

system = md_simulation(20, 300, 20, 2000, 25)

If we vary the temperature or particle density of the simulation we should see changed in the RDF. Compare the RDFs you obtain to those shown below and consider which of a, b, and c represent a solid, liquid and a gas.

Figure 1. Radial distribution functions at different experimental conditions.