Build an MD simulation

We can now build our own one-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation. The Python code contains everything we need to build the MD simulation. Read though it (much of it has been discussed previously) and try to understand the flow of the code before running it to see what happens.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.constants import Boltzmann
mass_of_argon = 39.948 # amu

def lj_force(r, epsilon, sigma):
    Implementation of the Lennard-Jones potential 
    to calculate the force of the interaction.
    r: float
        Distance between two particles (Å)
    epsilon: float 
        Potential energy at the equilibrium bond 
        length (eV)
    sigma: float 
        Distance at which the potential energy is 
        zero (Å)
        Force of the van der Waals interaction (eV/Å)
    return 48 * epsilon * np.power(
        sigma, 12) / np.power(
        r, 13) - 24 * epsilon * np.power(
        sigma, 6) / np.power(r, 7)

def init_velocity(T, number_of_particles):
    Initialise the velocities for a series of 
    T: float
        Temperature of the system at 
        initialisation (K)
    number_of_particles: int
        Number of particles in the system
    ndarray of floats
        Initial velocities for a series of 
        particles (eVs/Åamu)
    R = np.random.rand(number_of_particles) - 0.5
    return R * np.sqrt(Boltzmann * T / (
        mass_of_argon * 1.602e-19))

def get_accelerations(positions):
    Calculate the acceleration on each particle
    as a  result of each other particle. 
    N.B. We use the Python convention of 
    numbering from 0.
    positions: ndarray of floats
        The positions, in a single dimension, 
        for all of the particles
    ndarray of floats
        The acceleration on each
        particle (eV/Åamu)
    accel_x = np.zeros((positions.size, positions.size))
    for i in range(0, positions.size - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, positions.size):
            r_x = positions[j] - positions[i]
            rmag = np.sqrt(r_x * r_x)
            force_scalar = lj_force(rmag, 0.0103, 3.4)
            force_x = force_scalar * r_x / rmag
            accel_x[i, j] = force_x / mass_of_argon
            accel_x[j, i] = - force_x / mass_of_argon
    return np.sum(accel_x, axis=0)

def update_pos(x, v, a, dt):
    Update the particle positions.
    x: ndarray of floats
        The positions of the particles in a 
        single dimension
    v: ndarray of floats
        The velocities of the particles in a 
        single dimension
    a: ndarray of floats
        The accelerations of the particles in a 
        single dimension
    dt: float
        The timestep length
    ndarray of floats:
        New positions of the particles in a single 
    return x + v * dt + 0.5 * a * dt * dt

def update_velo(v, a, a1, dt):
    Update the particle velocities.
    v: ndarray of floats
        The velocities of the particles in a 
        single dimension (eVs/Åamu)
    a: ndarray of floats
        The accelerations of the particles in a 
        single dimension at the previous 
        timestep (eV/Åamu)
    a1: ndarray of floats
        The accelerations of the particles in a
        single dimension at the current 
        timestep (eV/Åamu)
    dt: float
        The timestep length
    ndarray of floats:
        New velocities of the particles in a
        single dimension (eVs/Åamu)
    return v + 0.5 * (a + a1) * dt

def run_md(dt, number_of_steps, initial_temp, x):
    Run a MD simulation.
    dt: float
        The timestep length (s)
    number_of_steps: int
        Number of iterations in the simulation
    initial_temp: float
        Temperature of the system at 
        initialisation (K)
    x: ndarray of floats
        The initial positions of the particles in a 
        single dimension (Å)
    ndarray of floats
        The positions for all of the particles 
        throughout the simulation (Å)
    positions = np.zeros((number_of_steps, 3))
    v = init_velocity(initial_temp, 3)
    a = get_accelerations(x)
    for i in range(number_of_steps):
        x = update_pos(x, v, a, dt)
        a1 = get_accelerations(x)
        v = update_velo(v, a, a1, dt)
        a = np.array(a1)
        positions[i, :] = x
    return positions

x = np.array([1, 5, 10])
sim_pos = run_md(0.1, 10000, 300, x)
%matplotlib inline
for i in range(sim_pos.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(sim_pos[:, i], '.', label='atom {}'.format(i))


We can see how the particles interact with each other separated by about the minimum of the LJ and moving in tandem through the system. It is possible to run the simulation at a series of different initial starting positions by varying values in the array x.