In these exercises, you will write code to perform molecular dynamics simulations of a harmonic oscillator using both Euler integration and velocity Verlet integration. Through this, you will explore numerical integration methods, energy conservation, and basic thermodynamic averaging.
The Harmonic Oscillator Model#
We will model H2 as a classical harmonic oscillator. The potential energy for a diatomic molecule modelled as a harmonic oscillator is:
\(r\) is the bond length
\(r_0\) is the equilibrium bond length
\(k\) is the force constant
The force can be calculated as:
And the acceleration follows from Newton’s second law:
where \(m\) is the effective mass of our molecule.
Exercise 1: Basic Functions#
(a) Write a function to calculate the potential energy of H₂, modelled as a harmonic oscillator. Use:
Force constant \(k = 575\) N/m
Equilibrium bond length \(r_0 = 0.74\) Å
Plot the potential energy function for bond lengths in the range \(0.38\) Å ≤ \(r\) ≤ \(1.1\) Å.
(b) Write a function to calculate the force acting on your system as a function of \(r\). Plot this force function for \(0.38\) Å ≤ \(r\) ≤ \(1.1\) Å.
Exercise 2: Euler Integration#
(a) Write code to perform 50,000 steps of molecular dynamics simulation using Euler integration:
Initial position \(r(t=0) = 1.0\) Å
Initial velocity \(v(t=0) = 0.0\)
Mass \(m = 0.5\)
Timestep \(\Delta t = 1 \times 10^{-5}\)
Store \(r(t)\) and \(v(t)\) at each step
(b) Plot \(t\) versus \(r(t)\)
(c) Plot a histogram of the probability distribution of bond lengths, \(P(r)\), using matplotlib.pyplot.hist()
(d) Plot the potential energy, kinetic energy, and total energy of your system as a function of time.
Exercise 3: Energy Conservation & Velocity Verlet#
(a) Rerun your simulation for 500,000 steps. Confirm that your simulation is not conserving energy.
(b) Rerun your simulation with \(\Delta t = 1 \times 10^{-4}\). What happens to your total energy? Why does the energy behave like this?
(c) Rewrite your code to use the velocity Verlet algorithm to integrate the equations of motion. Run for 500,000 steps with \(\Delta t = 1 \times 10^{-5}\) and confirm that your energy is now conserved.
(d) Rerun your simulation using the velocity Verlet algorithm with \(\Delta t = 1 \times 10^{-3}\). What happens to your total energy?